
Saturday, 26 April 2014

Neural Networks: The first steps

My previous attempts to create AI programs have used binary inputs and outputs. But in reality, a sensor on a robot changes it value (resistance) on a continuous analogue scale, not a digital one. My programs up until now have required fix states to make decisions, so my next program will use a range of input levels.

Neural networks model what goes on in a biological brain. The individual neurons, and their synapse connections, are replaced with nodes each connected to the others with weights.

I have created a program that can create store and compute a neural network. I have then used this with a genetic algorithm for evolution by natural selection to create this:

After developing a Model for a Neural Network, I used it within a simulation. By giving the creatures an opportunity to reproduce I have created a genetic algorithm for their ‘DNA’ will change over time and their brain will make them behave differently. Only the best adapted will make it to food first constantly and so their DNA will spread through the population. When a creature reproduces, 80% of is offspring are exact clones of the original, the other 20% have slight changes to their DNA or ‘mutations’. Some of the mutations may improve the creatures chance of survival; but most properly won’t.


  1. Hello!

    Im recently making a study on neural networks and genetic algorithms. I have a basic understanding of both but to understand better i would like to make one my self. I would like some advice. In my simulation the creatzrs would search for food. The more food they find the better. I woukd like your advice on what kind of inputs should i use or what did you use in yours. On output speed and lookibg direction would be logical i guess.

    By the way im a hobby game developer programing in c#.

    Im looking forward tobyour answer.

    Thank you,

    Joakim szucs

  2. Hello!

    Im recently making a study on neural networks and genetic algorithms. I have a basic understanding of both but to understand better i would like to make one my self. I would like some advice. In my simulation the creatzrs would search for food. The more food they find the better. I woukd like your advice on what kind of inputs should i use or what did you use in yours. On output speed and lookibg direction would be logical i guess.

    By the way im a hobby game developer programing in c#.

    Im looking forward tobyour answer.

    Thank you,

    Joakim szucs
